Is the biggest private university in Hungary operating as a university of applied sciences. METU has a student body of approximately 7,000 students including an international student community of 1,000 pursuing their studies in the field of communication, business, tourism, applied arts and creative industries. METU offers 22 undergraduate degree courses, 18 graduate degree courses, 7 higher-education vocational training courses, 18 postgraduate specialist training programmes in addition to numerous undergraduate and graduate degree courses in the English language for international students. METU has a sharp focus on practice-based professional learning and teaching adapted to the demands of the labour market, the personalized support of individual educational pathways of students and the development of social competences. In line with these aims, the university has developed myBRAND, its own educational methodology programme.
The University of Sarajevo is a sizeable and complex organisation carrying out the noble mission of educating able, creative and internationally competent staff in all areas of interest for Bosnia and Herzegovina through teaching and research. Staff are expected to address the challenges of modern economy in the European and global political, economic, social and cultural context. The University continually invests efforts in strengthening its role as a responsible institution within its social community, and to ensure the role of the recognizable centre for scientific and artistic work, bringing together teams of domestic and international experts and artists around projects relevant to the domestic, regional, and wider social context and environment.
Business-technology Accelerator UKIM is established to identify and support the growth and competitiveness of the most promising technology entrepreneurs, startups, spin-offs and scale-ups in Macedonia. Accelerator UKIM is founded Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Crimson Development Foundation, RSM Macedonia, and the Foundation Prof. Dr. Dimitar Stamboliev, and co-financed by the Fund for Innovations and Technology Development of the Republic of Macedonia. It is the first of this kind of accelerator in Macedonia that combines the expertise of the biggest and most technologically advanced university in Macedonia, an investment/lending firm, financial advisory organizations, and business support institutions, which combine will support startups in market development, networking, and fundraising for follow-on investments.
PUT is a public academic institution and the only Polytechnic University in Albania. It provides study programmes in the 3 study cycles and it is composed of 7 Faculties and 1 Institute. PUT, in all main units (faculties) and base units (departments), has records of partnership agreements with foreign higher education institutions through participation in scientific research projects with foreign universities. It aims the expansion of cooperation and improvement of scientific research results quality. PUT has received financial support from several EU Grants like: Horizon 2020, EC COST / COST NESUS, Erasmus Mundus (Euroweb+), Erasmus FETCH, and KA1 Erasmus+ Programme with many European countries.
PUT has national collaboration agreements with many partners such as institutions or faculties according to the respective agreements on study programmes and scientific research for their improvement and adaptation with the needs of the labor market in Albania. Being part of many international projects, the PUT itself has a series of agreements with international counterpart institutions in accordance with the national and international format.
PUT has been founded in 1951 in Tirana, under the name of Higher Polytechnic Institute. It is located in Tirana, the capital of Albania.
One of the pillars in the strategy of the Polytechnic University of Tirana is to bring current green industrial problems into the teaching and research curriculum.
The mission of Belgrade Metropolitan University is to contribute to the educational, cultural, economic and social progress of Serbia by providing advanced bachelor and master academic studies in the area of information technologies, arts and management, as well as continuous professional education. Belgrade Metropolitan University provides students with introduction to modern technical concepts and practice in several scientific and artistic areas: Information technologies, Information systems, Software engineering, Computer Games, Engineering and Operations Management, Business and Marketing Management, Management in Sports, Graphic design, Interactive media design and Fashion design.
One of the main objectives of education of this type is development of abilities for team work for fulfillment the common objective by integrating personal initiative ad group cooperation, development of abilities of effective communication and efficiency in work with clients, users and colleagues, both verbal as well as textual, by using adequate terminology, as well as comprehension of the need for continuous education during the career. The University develops the skills for innovative thinking, new approach to problems, ability to integrate and implement latest
technologies and investigative spirit.
Founded by three experienced sustainability and innovation enthusiasts, EPICentar focuses on activities and initiatives concerning innovation, technology transfer, entrepreneurship, and investment to ensure a sustainable future for all. EPICentar creates a stimulating environment for the growth of entrepreneurial endeavours and the empowerment of startups while raising social awareness of the importance of innovation, technology transfer, and sustainability.
To accelerate the global impact of innovation, EPICentar emphasizes identifying and commercializing primarily innovative technologies developed at faculties and research institutes and engaging researchers and students in entrepreneurial journeys.
EPICentar’s Initiatives and projects result in a balanced development of the key elements of the business opportunity, with maximum focus on a functional team, sustainability, and expert support. On this way, EPICentar is supported by regional and global facilitators of the innovative and startup ecosystem and international experts in the field of entrepreneurship.
The University of Montenegro is a national public university of Montenegro. Its central administration and majority of constitutive faculties are located in the country's capital Podgorica, with dislocated faculties in Nikšić, Cetinje and Kotor. Institution was founded in 1974 and it is currently organized in 19 faculties.The seat of the university is in Podgorica, the capital city of Montenegro, with a population of around 190,000. Most faculties of the University of Montenegro are located in Podgorica, while some faculties have been opened in Nikšić, Cetinje and Kotor.The university comprises faculties, institutes and colleges, as well as logistic centers.The Managing Board governs the university and the Rector manages it. The supreme academic body is the University Senate. Deans are heads of faculties and directors are heads of institutes. At faculties i.e. at institutes, the highest academic bodies are councils for teaching-scientific issues, i.e. for teaching-artistic issues.
Innovation Centre Kosovo (ICK) is a center whose aim is to connect research and development component of scientific field with the business sector, focusing on creating new job opportunities oriented towards the future, based on knowledge and new technology.
Innovation Centre Kosovo (ICK) was founded to support entrepreneurship, innovation and commercially based business development, with a focus on information and communication technology. The centre supports both start-ups and existing companies with the potential for growth.
ICK will both create new jobs through the businesses that supports and train young people for jobs in the broader marketplace. ICK will be a hub for connecting new ideas and technology with human and financial resources to create or expand commercially viable companies that can successfully fill the needs in the market, generating sales, trade, local productive capacity and skilled employment. Innovation Centre Kosovo offers incubator services, mentoring, consulting and training to entrepreneurs and managers in business planning, accounting, finance, product/service development, marketing/ sales, human resources, technology development and transfer and matchmaking with local, regional and international businesses.
ICK is funded by Embassy of Sweden in Prishtina and Royal Norwegian Embassy in Prishtina.
Verlab Research Institute for biomedical engineering, medical devices and artificial intelligence is a structured institution in the capacity of a legal entity. The Institute is founded around Verlab Ltd.. company. It's main goal is to generate, apply, and disseminate research findings through a global ecosystem of forward-looking stakeholders and build capacity by empowering the next generation of technology-enabled professionas.